instagram-scraper -
Scrape instagram frontend by hashtags and structure metadata in csvfile. Pretty useful for creating datasets for image processing / machine learning / AI.
quast -
quast is a question answering platform similar to quora, written using python and flask, and currently remains abandoned with very little feature set.
chubby -
chubby brings to you GitHub actions to your terminal. Currently it allows you to create, edit, and show issues. It maintains it's own config file which can be used to take actions from multiple accounts by specifying the user argument.
WhatsRender -
WhatsRender is used to render "emailed" chats in a better chat-like way. Eventually allowing you to render the media as well. Needs heavy work on CSS BTW.
ghooks -
ghooks is a python library which can be used to hook python functions to specified github webhooks using a simple decorator. Webhook listener is a Flask app.
gitterCLI -
gitterCLI is a CLI application that allows you to join to a gitter room, send and receive messages from terminal. It is
gistey -
gistey is a CLI application to create GitHub gists from local files.